Source code for notifiers.utils.helpers

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

from distutils.util import strtobool

log = logging.getLogger("notifiers")

[docs]def text_to_bool(value: str) -> bool: """ Tries to convert a text value to a bool. If unsuccessful returns if value is None or not :param value: Value to check """ try: return bool(strtobool(value)) except (ValueError, AttributeError): return value is not None
[docs]def merge_dicts(target_dict: dict, merge_dict: dict) -> dict: """ Merges ``merge_dict`` into ``target_dict`` if the latter does not already contain a value for each of the key names in ``merge_dict``. Used to cleanly merge default and environ data into notification payload. :param target_dict: The target dict to merge into and return, the user provided data for example :param merge_dict: The data that should be merged into the target data :return: A dict of merged data """ log.debug("merging dict %s into %s", merge_dict, target_dict) for key, value in merge_dict.items(): if key not in target_dict: target_dict[key] = value return target_dict
[docs]def dict_from_environs(prefix: str, name: str, args: list) -> dict: """ Return a dict of environment variables correlating to the arguments list, main name and prefix like so: [prefix]_[name]_[arg] :param prefix: The environ prefix to use :param name: Main part :param args: List of args to iterate over :return: A dict of found environ values """ environs = {} log.debug("starting to collect environs using prefix: '%s'", prefix) for arg in args: environ = f"{prefix}{name}_{arg}".upper() if os.environ.get(environ): environs[arg] = os.environ[environ] return environs
def snake_to_camel_case(value: str) -> str: """ Convert a snake case param to CamelCase :param value: The value to convert :return: A CamelCase value """ log.debug("trying to convert %s to camel case", value) return "".join(word.capitalize() for word in value.split("_")) def valid_file(path: str) -> bool: """ Verifies that a string path actually exists and is a file :param path: The path to verify :return: **True** if path exist and is a file """ path = Path(path).expanduser() log.debug("checking if %s is a valid file", path) return path.exists() and path.is_file()