Source code for notifiers.providers.mailgun

import json

from ..core import Provider, Response
from ..utils import requests
from ..utils.schema.helpers import one_or_more

[docs]class MailGun(Provider): """Send emails via MailGun""" base_url = "{domain}/messages" site_url = "" name = "mailgun" path_to_errors = ("message",) __properties_to_change = [ "tag", "dkim", "deliverytime", "testmode", "tracking", "tracking_clicks", "tracking_opens", "require_tls", "skip_verification", ] __email_list = one_or_more( { "type": "string", "title": 'Email address of the recipient(s). Example: "Bob <>".', } ) _required = { "allOf": [ {"required": ["to", "domain", "api_key"]}, {"anyOf": [{"required": ["from"]}, {"required": ["from_"]}]}, { "anyOf": [{"required": ["message"]}, {"required": ["html"]}], "error_anyOf": 'Need either "message" or "html"', }, ] } _schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "api_key": {"type": "string", "title": "User's API key"}, "message": { "type": "string", "title": "Body of the message. (text version)", }, "html": {"type": "string", "title": "Body of the message. (HTML version)"}, "to": __email_list, "from": { "type": "string", "format": "email", "title": "Email address for From header", }, "from_": { "type": "string", "format": "email", "title": "Email address for From header", "duplicate": True, }, "domain": {"type": "string", "title": "MailGun's domain to use"}, "cc": __email_list, "bcc": __email_list, "subject": {"type": "string", "title": "Message subject"}, "attachment": one_or_more( {"type": "string", "format": "valid_file", "title": "File attachment"} ), "inline": one_or_more( { "type": "string", "format": "valid_file", "title": "Attachment with inline disposition. Can be used to send inline images", } ), "tag": one_or_more( schema={ "type": "string", "format": "ascii", "title": "Tag string", "maxLength": 128, }, max=3, ), "dkim": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Enables/disables DKIM signatures on per-message basis", }, "deliverytime": { "type": "string", "format": "rfc2822", "title": "Desired time of delivery. Note: Messages can be scheduled for a maximum of 3 days in " "the future.", }, "testmode": {"type": "boolean", "title": "Enables sending in test mode."}, "tracking": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Toggles tracking on a per-message basis", }, "tracking_clicks": { "type": ["string", "boolean"], "title": "Toggles clicks tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level" " setting. Pass yes, no or htmlonly.", "enum": [True, False, "htmlonly"], }, "tracking_opens": { "type": "boolean", "title": "Toggles opens tracking on a per-message basis. Has higher priority than domain-level setting", }, "require_tls": { "type": "boolean", "title": "If set to True this requires the message only be sent over a TLS connection." " If a TLS connection can not be established, Mailgun will not deliver the message." "If set to False, Mailgun will still try and upgrade the connection, but if Mailgun can not," " the message will be delivered over a plaintext SMTP connection.", }, "skip_verification": { "type": "boolean", "title": "If set to True, the certificate and hostname will not be verified when trying to establish " "a TLS connection and Mailgun will accept any certificate during delivery. If set to False," " Mailgun will verify the certificate and hostname. If either one can not be verified, " "a TLS connection will not be established.", }, "headers": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": {"type": "string"}, "title": "Any other header to add", }, "data": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": {"type": "object"}, "title": "attach a custom JSON data to the message", }, }, "additionalProperties": False, } def _prepare_data(self, data: dict) -> dict: if data.get("from_"): data["from"] = data.pop("from_") new_data = { "to": data.pop("to"), "from": data.pop("from"), "domain": data.pop("domain"), "api_key": data.pop("api_key"), } if data.get("message"): new_data["text"] = data.pop("message") if data.get("attachment"): attachment = data.pop("attachment") if isinstance(attachment, str): attachment = [attachment] new_data["attachment"] = attachment if data.get("inline"): inline = data.pop("inline") if isinstance(inline, str): inline = [inline] new_data["inline"] = inline for property_ in self.__properties_to_change: if data.get(property_): new_property = f"o:{property_}".replace("_", "-") new_data[new_property] = data.pop(property_) if data.get("headers"): for key, value in data["headers"].items(): new_data[f"h:{key}"] = value del data["headers"] if data.get("data"): for key, value in data["data"].items(): new_data[f"v:{key}"] = json.dumps(value) del data["data"] for key, value in data.items(): new_data[key] = value return new_data def _send_notification(self, data: dict) -> Response: url = self.base_url.format(domain=data.pop("domain")) auth = "api", data.pop("api_key") files = [] if data.get("attachment"): files += requests.file_list_for_request(data["attachment"], "attachment") if data.get("inline"): files += requests.file_list_for_request(data["inline"], "inline") response, errors = url=url, data=data, auth=auth, files=files, path_to_errors=self.path_to_errors, ) return self.create_response(data, response, errors)