Source code for notifiers.providers.pushbullet

from ..core import Provider, Response, ProviderResource
from ..utils import requests
from ..exceptions import ResourceError

[docs]class PushbulletMixin: """Shared attributes between :class:`PushbulletDevices` and :class:`Pushbullet`""" name = "pushbullet" path_to_errors = "error", "message" def _get_headers(self, token: str) -> dict: return {"Access-Token": token}
[docs]class PushbulletDevices(PushbulletMixin, ProviderResource): """Return a list of Pushbullet devices associated to a token""" resource_name = "devices" devices_url = "" _required = {"required": ["token"]} _schema = { "type": "object", "properties": {"token": {"type": "string", "title": "API access token"}}, "additionalProperties": False, } def _get_resource(self, data: dict) -> list: headers = self._get_headers(data["token"]) response, errors = requests.get( self.devices_url, headers=headers, path_to_errors=self.path_to_errors ) if errors: raise ResourceError( errors=errors, resource=self.resource_name,, data=data, response=response, ) return response.json()["devices"]
[docs]class Pushbullet(PushbulletMixin, Provider): """Send Pushbullet notifications""" base_url = "" site_url = "" __type = { "type": "string", "title": 'Type of the push, one of "note" or "link"', "enum": ["note", "link"], } _resources = {"devices": PushbulletDevices()} _required = {"required": ["message", "token"]} _schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "message": {"type": "string", "title": "Body of the push"}, "token": {"type": "string", "title": "API access token"}, "title": {"type": "string", "title": "Title of the push"}, "type": __type, "type_": __type, "url": { "type": "string", "title": 'URL field, used for type="link" pushes', }, "source_device_iden": { "type": "string", "title": "Device iden of the sending device", }, "device_iden": { "type": "string", "title": "Device iden of the target device, if sending to a single device", }, "client_iden": { "type": "string", "title": "Client iden of the target client, sends a push to all users who have granted access to " "this client. The current user must own this client", }, "channel_tag": { "type": "string", "title": "Channel tag of the target channel, sends a push to all people who are subscribed to " "this channel. The current user must own this channel.", }, "email": { "type": "string", "format": "email", "title": "Email address to send the push to. If there is a pushbullet user with this address," " they get a push, otherwise they get an email", }, "guid": { "type": "string", "title": "Unique identifier set by the client, used to identify a push in case you receive it " "from /v2/everything before the call to /v2/pushes has completed. This should be a unique" " value. Pushes with guid set are mostly idempotent, meaning that sending another push " "with the same guid is unlikely to create another push (it will return the previously" " created push).", }, }, "additionalProperties": False, } @property def defaults(self) -> dict: return {"type": "note"} def _prepare_data(self, data: dict) -> dict: data["body"] = data.pop("message") # Workaround since `type` is a reserved word if data.get("type_"): data["type"] = data.pop("type_") return data def _send_notification(self, data: dict) -> Response: headers = self._get_headers(data.pop("token")) response, errors = self.base_url, json=data, headers=headers, path_to_errors=self.path_to_errors, ) return self.create_response(data, response, errors)